About Us

If you want to learn more about us, you’re in the right place. Read to learn how we managed to get results so fast.

Our story

A few years ago, we were tasked (again) by our executive staff to double our demand gen KPIs. Not a new story. Every demand gen team gets it, but few succeed with lasting results. We decided to finally make the plunge full-stop into ABM.

Our executives wouldn’t give us the budget for a full-stack ABM platform until we proved out the concept first. So, we got scrappy. We started out by building our program from scratch—piecing together a whole host of tools to feed our demand gen machine. Within just 3 months, we tripled our KPIs.

The next request from e-staff?

Scale it!

Let us Show You How

Parker O'Very

Parker O'Very has been building marketing automation programs for nearly a decade. From small, self-built databases to fully-loaded automation platforms, he has rarely found a process that he can't improve, speed up, or fully automate. With a strong foundation in business operations, he has built successful strategies for social media, PPC, email, business development, and customer marketing. He focuses on marketing-sales alignment, and has achieved a 72% increase in MoM BDR conversions with his ABM segmentation program. Ask him what the biggest problem is with marketers today, and he'll say "There's too much 'fluff' in marketing. If it doesn't bring revenue to the business, it doesn't matter."

Jordan Linford

Jordan Linford has more than a decade of demand generation experience. During this time, he has learned the importance of creating a unifying experience between marketing and sales that involves processes, data, and technology. He has helped create new demand generation engines inside of companies that have streamlined growth and dramatically reduced sales cycles. Jordan jumped on the forefront of the revolutionary ABM technology boom over the last few years and has successfully implemented ABM demand programs that foster growth and incorporate the unity and symbiotic relationships essential between marketing and sales teams.